Schools nearby

There are several international schools in the Kobe area.

K-12 Comprehensive Schools

There are several international schools in Kobe, which offer kindergarten education through to Grade 12. The nearest is Marist Brothers International School and the largest school is ther Canadian Academy. Both schools are accredited to the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. CA has been offering the International Baccalaureate Program since 1980.

School Bus Service

Shioya Tochi provides a non-stop bus service to both Marist and Canadian Academy schools. Marist is less than 15 minutes away and Canadian Academy approximately 40 minutes.

International Pre-School

Shioya Kids Bright International Pre-school is an excellent pre-school on the grounds of James Yama. The nursery offers a day care service for children ages 1-3. Baby sitting services are also available through the school. The pre-school operates five days/week, and is for children ages 2-6. This school is very popular with Shioya residents.

The pre-school is the best way for families with small children to integrate really into Japan.

We want our children to be:
・Growing in a homelike and international atmosphere
・Loving and respecting themselves as well as others
・Discovering about the world around them with excitement
・Knowing and caring about the global society,present and future


Shioya Estate Foreign Residence

Shioyacho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo

houseinfo「@」 +81-78-751-2525

For all residential inquiries

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoy fantastic view from an historic estate. Please email or call us to inquire.